Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Super Computers are a temporal myth.

In 1994 my father and I went to Staples and purchased the greatest thing any 20th century house-hold could have.  We got our first computer, a Compaq Pesario.

Though, it didn't have Windows, 95 would come out a year later, it did have the ability to run games, so I was content.

But at that time though, the computer was no better than my Nintendo.  Both had 8-megabytes of RAM, or temporary memory used for programs and the internet was not yet in the mainstream.

Today, just 15 years later much has changed!  My latest computer, a high-performance manufactured PC from a small LA company, I bought just a few months ago has 8-gigabytes of RAM.  From the 1994 computer, that's 1000 times more RAM power, wow right?

Well no.  You see, I have gone through this same childish fascination countless times since 1994.  Every 6 months the computer world receives the next great leap in computer technology.  And every 3 months we hear about whats coming next.  When I got a laptop about 2 years ago, it came with 2-gigs of RAM, and that was about the fastest they got at that time, look where we find ourselves now.

Essentially, all that wonderful time computer people spend making the greatest computer they can, is akin to having the newest cellphone every time one comes out, its completely not necessary.  The difference between the old Pesario and my current computer is vast, 15 years to be exact.  But the different between a Pesario of today and my high-end computer?  Not too much.

For the industry is constantly changing.  So this computer I write to you on now, will be out of date shortly.  Given the $1,300 I spent on it, I don't plan on buying a new one in the near future.  But I did spend the time putting together through their website, a computer that will last me a good 8 years.  Bold statement I know, but proper cleaning of the case (cleaning out dust) and maintenance of the operating system will keep this baby running strong well into her adolescences.

For those of you, who like having shiny new things, yet don't fully understand the technology behind them, allow me to don this piece of advice on you.  Don't worry about getting the best computer or laptop on the market every time you're ready to buy a new one, go 2 or 3 computers down the line and save yourself some money.

Despite the love I have for my 8-gigs of RAM, they aren't necessary, and 6 can run just as fast.  But I use this machine for much more than email, web browsing, and "light" video gaming.  I run this like a pack mule through the Sahara, I need the power and I notice the incredibly minute differences between 6-gigs and 8-gigs.  But remember, the hardware manufactures of computer parts count in nano-seconds, so what's the difference between 1 or 2 of those?

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